Linguistics and Sanskrit- 1

According to ancient Persian records recorded in 'Shahnama',the history of ancient Iran begins with conflict of (Ahuras) and Daevas(Devas).Probably,Daeva or Ahriman posed a great challenge to Ahur Mazda.Gayomart or Keyumars was the first king of Zoroastrians or Iranians.He was also the contemporary of Ahriman.Daeva Indra was also an enemy of Ahuras.In all probabilities,Ahriman was Aryaman who was one of the Adityas of early Vedic period.Devas and Asuras of early Vedic period were cousin brothers.Puranic records relate to the legend of Tripurasura and his son Gayasura.Seemingly Ahur Mazda(Asur Mahad) and his son Gayomart were Tripurasura and Gayasura.Avesta is the oldest text of Zoroastrianism.It is well known that there are many similarities in words and Grammar of Avesta and Vedic Sanskrit.
Avesta mentions Mithra,Varuna,Indra,Yama etc.Gathas of Avesta mentions Rudra along with Angra Mainyu.Yajurrveda's one mantra also mentions('Namaste Rudyamanyava') also mentions Rudra and Manyu.Vedic and post Vedic sources indicate that Asuras also performed Yajnas.Gopatha brahmana refers to Asuraveda of Pratichyas(westerners) and Asita Dhanvan,an asura Rishi.Asita is also mentioned in Avesta.Shankhayana Shrauta Sutra mentions about AsuraVidya.Evidently,asuras compiled their own Vedas for performing rituals.The same Asuraveda became Avesta.Unfortunately,a major portion of Avestan text is now lost.
Seemingly many Vedic Rishis taught Vedic sciences to Asuras.Sukracharya,a famous guru of Asuras was known as Kaavi or Kavi us or Kaikaus in Zoroastrianism.Asuras evolved their own Avestan Sanskit based on the grammar from Proto Sanskrit.Thus,Avestan Sanskrit and Vedic Sanskrit are artificially evolved and limited to only learned people.
The common people of Asura community spoke Proto Iranian,which is naturally evolved from Proto Sanskrit.It appears that the early Asuras had settled in Gandhara region on the banks of Helmand river.According the Vedic legends,a Sarama Devashuni met Panis,an asuran on the banks of Rasa river.Most probably,Rasa river was River Helmand of Afghanistan.King Bahlika(Kuru dynasty) and King Gandhara(Drihyu dynasty) conquered North and south Afghanistan respectively and established their kingdoms at around 11000BCE.Asuras had no other option than to migrate westwards.They settled in Iraq,Iran,Syria and southern anatolia.Pani Asuras(Known as 'Phoenicians' in the West) migrated up to Atlantic ocean and a group of Panis might have founded the city of Atlanta,which got submerged around 10000BCE.
When the monsoons weakened after 11000BCE,many group of Danavas and Turvasas had also migrated upto Greece and Druhyus had migrated to Sumeria and Syria.Thus the speakers of Proto Sanskrit and Proto Iranian laid foundation for evolution of all West Asian and European languages.
Therefore,ProtoSanskrit was indeed the mother of Proto Indo Iranian and Proto Indo European languages.It appears that the early Zoroastrianism of Asuras extended from Iran to southern anatolia and posed a challenge to Danavas and Turvashas,the early settlers of Greece.Seemingly there were atleast 2 Zoroasters.The first one,also known as Ashu Zarathushtra,who was the author of Gathas and Yasna Haptanghaiti of Avesta.Though yayavara brahmanas of Rigvedic texts era had names like Jaratkaru,yayavara brahmanas always Vedic tradition,not Avestan one.
Ancient Greek sources also refer to 2 Zoroasters.Hermodorus(10th century BCE) believed that Zoroaster 1,lived atleast 5000 years before Trojan war(around 1800BC).
Zoroaster/Zarathustra 1 flourished around 7000BCE and authored Gathas and Yajna Haptanghaiti of Avesta and recompile Avesta.Zarathustra 1 was like Veda vyasa of Zoroastrianism.He transformed Zoroastrianism into monotheism and founded the basic tenets of Zoroastrian philosophy.This is how Asuraveda transformed into Avesta and Zoroastrianism around 7000BCE.Interestingly,zoroastrianism accepted Indian concept of Mahayuga of 12000 years that evolved after Ramayan era.
Zoroastrians follow equal length of 4 yugas(3000 yrs each) instead of differential duration(4:3:2:1) of 4 yugas.
Danavas and Turvashas of post Vedic era are worshippers of Vedic Devatas like Mitra,Varuna,Indra,Agni etc.These Vedic gods had transformed to Greek gods.12 Olympian gods are like 12 Adityas of Vedic era.The common people from Afghanistan to east Europe prominently worshipped God Mithra.Gradually Mithra became synonymous to Surya(Sun).Zarathustra 1's monotheism also influenced the philosophy of Mitra God worshippers of East Europe.Thus Mithraism was born in East Europe and became a popular religion before the birth of Christianity around 300 to 600BCE.Mithraism has been meticulously destroyed and wiped out after Council of Nicea was formed.
Probably,many Indian families of Balochistan and Gandhara had also migrated to Sumeria,Babylon,Egypt around 11000 BCE.
Puranas indicate that the sons of Prachetas,a descendent of Druhyu dynasty migrated to West and became kings of Mlechcha countries.Sumerians and Egyptians also believed that their gods and ancestors ruled for 1000s of years.Sumerians and Egyptians also followed the Mahayuga cycle of 4,32,000 years.A group of Babylons came under the influence of Zoroastrianism and evolved the 
philosophy of Judaism.Yavanas and Bactrians of northern Afghanistan and Turkmenistan learnt the Surya Siddhantha of Mayasura(6500BC?),and evolved Yavana siddhantha under the influence of Surya Siddhantha.Many families of Yavanas had migrated to Greece and western Anatolia around 4500 to 5000 BCE and came to be known as 'Ionians' and 'Javans'.
These migrated Yavanas traced the Vedic origin of Greek gods and goddesses and introduced the Indian sciences to Greece.
Consequently Hellenistic Greek mythology and Hellenistic sciences have been evolved.
Seemingly Zoroastrianism was declined around 3000-1300 BC due to political rise of Egypt,Sumeria,Babylon and Assyria.Persia was under rule of Sumerians and Babylonians around 3000-1700 BC.The Kayanian dynasty was reigning over Persia around 1700-1300 BC.
Zoroaster 2/Jarashutra 2 was born in Magha country(North Bactria,North Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) around 1307BCE and revived Zoroastrianism.Since Magha is the birthplace of Zoroaster 2,Zoroastrianism also came to be known as Maghism.Maghism accepted solar calendar and started celebrating Navroj.Kayanian,Achemedians and sasanians promoted Zoroastrianism and made it state religion.
Unfortunately,the zoroastrians of Iran and Turkmenistan had not other option than to surrender to barbaric desert based Islamic invaders.The converted Magist Muslims(Zoroastroan muslims) came to be known as Mughals who invaded and established their kingdoms in India in medieval period.Thus the glorious Zoroastrianism era of Vedic era has been wiped out from Iran.Today,a micro minority community of Zoroastrians(Parsis) in India are struggling to preserve their cultural heritage.

Gatha(written by Zoroaster 1),is the central theme of Zoroastrianism.Gatha comes from Sanskrit word Gita(which means song).Most Gathas were derived from ancient Vedic texts such as Rig veda and accompanying Agamas.Another term important for Zoroastrians was Yasna,which is similar to Yagna.Ahura is mispronounciation of Asura.Asura in Sanskrit means those people who doesn't worship Vishnu.Daeva was another term used by Zoroastrians which means Sanskrit term Deva,or followers of Vishnu.Most current Western and Islamic scholars purposefully mistranslated these terms to push their own faith on Persians.
The word 'Persia' itselves is a Greek word that comes from Sanskrit 'Pashva/parsik'.Persia itselves was referred to as extended Bharat by Greek historians.
If we look at the words used in Zoroastrianism carefully,we cannot miss out their direct connection with Sanskrit and Vedic literatures.Due to their disconnect fr Bharat,their language evolved just like the language evolves every 200 300kms in India,even now.But the roots of the words,remained same.

Afghanistan(Gandhara/Kandahar) was historically a part of Indian civilisation until the barbaric Islamic invasions.The name Persia comes from ancient Parshva people,Parshu means 'Battle axe'.There are clear linguistic and cultural similarities between India and Persia.

The original,Non Hellenised names of ancient Persian kings,Achaemenid dynasty,(around 500 to 300 bce),the traditional Armenian name for Mt Ararat is Masis.It is named after legendary Armenian king Amasya,which is linguistically related to Amavasu,an Indian king,recorded in Bhaudhyayana Shrautha Sutra.
This establishes literary evidence of westward expansion of Indo Aryans via Afghanistan,to Persia and anatolia.

The primordial Rig Vedic river Goddess Danu is the mother/progenitor of Danavas clan of Indo Aryans.The Danavas revolted against Devas,and were eventually defeated and banished.As it turns out,that's far from the end of story.

The Avestan(old Iranian) word for river is 'Danu'.The Scythian word for river is also Danu.

Now consider this,linguistically,the names of the European rivers Danube,Dnieper,Dneister,Don,Donets,Dunajec,Davina,Daugava,dysna are all derived from Rig Vedic Sanskrit root word 'Danu'.These rivers,all named after Rig Vedic Goddess Danu,seem to trace the gradual westward migration through Europe of the Danava clan of Rig Vedic clans.

So,where did Danavas eventually end up?

Danu,the mother Goddess of Irish and Celtic people.
According to Irish and Celtic mythology,they are descended from a mother Goddess,Danu.

Human settlements have continuously existed around Dead sea,since 12500 BCE.
The Archeological findings at Gobekle Tepe and Nevali cori in south east turkey have been dated to around 12000BCE.Among the many artefacts unearthed in Gobekle tepe,there is,amazingly,head of a Vedic priest,complete with Sikha.

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