Gaia Hypothesis-Can there be a feedback without purpose?
[07/06, 4:57 pm] Dr Rakesh Biswas: [08/06, 7:57 am] Dr Rakesh Biswas: I'm head over heels into the gaia hypothesis. One individual cell inside the human universe is the Earth and we don't know which one. Can you guess? Also what's the temperature difference between the surface and core of the cell? How do we even measure temperature? [08/06, 10:18 am] Dr.Dinesh Datta: We can measure temperature difference between surface and core of cell using thermocouples [08/06, 10:24 am] Dr.Dinesh Datta: Or microcalorimetry [08/06, 11:03 am] Dr Rakesh Biswas: Any data anywhere? [08/06, 12:08 pm] Dr.Dinesh Datta: Cellular metabolic heat (ΔPM) is produced from intracellular reactions, carrying information about particular processes thus indicating the status of organisms. ΔPM originating from a single cell is at pW level, making its determination based on the calorimetry technique challenging. Microcalorimetry, evo...